Thank you for visiting the first and most complete Internet
Yellow Pages directory in Cyprus, since 1996.
CyprusYellow Pages is the most recognized and most frequently accessed business
directory service available in the Internet.
Our mission is to provide
quick, reliable access to anyone requiring business information about Cyprus.
List your company now at the most comprehensive directory
in Cyprus.
But why you have to list your company in our directory?
Because there are only two ways of accessing a web site:
First you have to know a web site address.
Second you go through a search engine. Going
through a search engine, the listings that will be displayed in front of you will
run into hundreds or thousands with the result loosing your patience after browsing
the initial listings, therefore even if the listings is there down below it is good
On the other hand, the concept of Yellow Pages
is popular on the Internet and that there are more than 2000 Yellow Pages on the
Internet, each including the name of the country it is representing. It cannot be
denied that almost everyone in this world knows a country called Cyprus, India,
Canada, Australia etc; and that whoever wants to get information on a country has
all the chances that he would browse for a yellow pages (as a Yellow Pages means
that it is a Business or an Industrial Directory) hence one can assume the existence
of a Web Site address called,
, etc; therefore becomes a personal or a technical
name and the chances of accessing such a Web Site is absolutely bleak.
Terms and Conditions
The Materials on the site are protected by copyrights and
trademarks, owned by or other third parties.
The Materials may not be used by third parties for telemarketing, direct marketing,
commercial mass email or by agents or representatives or email spammers. links to many websites created by third parties, so unfortunately
has no control over the accuracy of those web sites.